Data protection


What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file saved by a website’s server in the browser of your computer or mobile device when you visit that website. The cookie contains a unique code that enables your browser to be recognised during your visit to the website (‘session cookie’) or during future repeated visits (‘permanent cookie’).

Cookies may be placed by the server of the website you are visiting or by partners with whom this website collaborates. A website’s server can only read the cookies it has placed itself; it has no access to any other information on your computer or mobile device. Cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device in your browser’s directory. The content of a cookie generally consists of the name of the server that placed the cookie, an expiry date and a unique encrypted code.

Cookies generally make it easier and quicker for visitors to interact with the website. They also help visitors navigate between the different parts of the website. Cookies may also be used to make the content of a website or
advertising on that site more relevant to the visitor and to tailor the website to the visitor’s personal tastes and needs.

Use of cookies

We use different types of cookies:

1/ Essential cookies

These cookies are required to enable you to visit our websites and use certain parts of them. These cookies enable you, for example, to navigate between the different sections of the websites, complete forms, place orders and update the contents of your shopping basket (if the webshop is accessible). Similarly, when you wish to access your personal account, cookies are essential to verify your identity securely before granting access to your personal information. If you reject these cookies, some sections of the website may not function as they should, or not at all.

2/ Functional cookies

Functional cookies are cookies designed to facilitate the operation of our websites, to make their use more pleasant for the visitor and to give you a more personalised surfing experience. Examples include cookies that remember your choice of language or customer segment, or cookies that remember whether you have already been invited to take part in a survey, so that you are not offered the same survey each time you visit.

3/ Performance cookies

We use performance cookies to collect information about how visitors use our websites, with the aim of improving their content, tailoring them more closely to visitors’ wishes and making them more user-friendly. For example, we use a cookie to count the number of unique visitors and another to analyse the popularity of our pages.

Cookie management

In your browser settings, you can refuse the installation of cookies and you can delete any cookies already installed on your computer or mobile terminal at any time.
