Legal information

This website is offered to you subject to your unconditional acceptance of the terms of use, clauses and warnings contained in this document. By accessing and using the website, you accept the legal notices without reservation.


This website is developed by Trulli Invest, hereinafter referred to as ‘Trulli Invest’, on behalf of the agency ‘Trulli Invest’, hereinafter referred to as ‘the owner’, which is responsible for the management and organisation of the site. The site is an information guide to the services provided by the owner. The information on this site is of a general nature. They are not aimed at specific or personal situations. It should be stressed that the information and legislative documents available on or via the site cannot be considered as an authentic reproduction of the legal texts.

Trulli Invest
Boulevard Sainctelette 39
7000 Mons
+32 490 27 08 41

Via Taranto 72
74015 Martina Franca TA

Use of the site

The owner endeavours to ensure that the information made available is complete, correct, exhaustive and up-to-date. Despite these efforts, errors may appear in the information provided. If the information published on or via the site contains errors or if certain information is unavailable on or via the site, the owner will make every effort to rectify the situation. If you notice any errors in the information provided on the site, please contact the owner via the contact page of this site.


The owner reserves the right to modify these general conditions, the documents on its site or the descriptions contained in these documents at any time and without prior notice.

Links to other websites

Links to other websites are provided solely for your convenience. If you use these links, you will leave this site. The owner has checked all these external sites, but does not control them. For this reason, the owner declines all responsibility
concerning these sites or the information, software or other products and documents found on them, or concerning the consequences of their use. If you decide to access external sites linked to this site, you do so at your own risk.

Applicable law and competent court

All disputes arising out of or in connection with (the use of) the Website shall be governed exclusively by Belgian law. Only the courts in the owner’s judicial district have jurisdiction to settle such disputes. The use of this website is not authorised in countries which do not apply all of the present provisions, including this paragraph.

Exemption clause

Do not make any important decisions on the basis of information provided on this website! Please consult someone with the professional competence to give you specific advice tailored to your situation. In no event will the owner or Trulli Invest be liable, whether in an action of contract or tort, for any direct, indirect or consequential damages (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of savings or business opportunities, loss of data, industrial damage, inactivity or personnel costs). Any use of this website is therefore entirely at the user’s own risk. Some countries or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so this limitation may not apply to you.


If you have any comments or questions about our data protection policy, please contact us via the contact page of this site. If you cannot approve all or part of this website, your only recourse is to stop using it.

Privacy policy

Personal data

‘The owner’ is likely to collect certain personal information about you.

This personal data will be processed in accordance with current legislation. In particular: the information collected by the data controller, in particular the surnames, first names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails and website URLs that you communicate to us, may be encoded in automated data files. This data may be used and processed by the owner for the purposes of managing its relations with its Internet users and contacts, and for checking the regularity of operations.
various forms of participation in the owner’s business and the fight against possible abuses and irregularities.
This data may also be used for marketing, public relations and canvassing purposes in connection with the owner’s activities by the owner and its partners, unless you object. Individuals have the right to consult their personal data free of charge and to have it corrected free of charge if it proves to be incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant. Persons wishing to exercise this right may do so by sending a letter to the owner (whose contact details appear on the Contacts page) accompanied by a written, dated and signed request and a copy of proof of identity. Anyone wishing to do so can also obtain further information on the legislation applicable to the protection of personal data.

Use of information

We will only use nominative information for :

  • improve our ability to serve you when you request information or make a request;
  • contact you when you ask us to;
  • to market our products and services.
  • process an order if online orders are available ;

If you provide us with information about your credit card, we use this information to obtain payment for your orders. When you purchase products from us on this website, your credit card details are protected by the encryption technologies of specialist companies with whom we work under contract.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file saved by a website’s server in the browser of your computer or mobile device when you visit that website. The cookie contains a unique code that enables your browser to be recognised during your visit to the website (‘session cookie’) or during future repeated visits (‘permanent cookie’).

Cookies may be placed by the server of the website you are visiting or by partners with whom this website collaborates. A website’s server can only read the cookies it has placed itself; it has no access to any other information on your computer or mobile device. Cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device in your browser’s directory. The content of a cookie generally consists of the name of the server that placed the cookie, an expiry date and a unique encrypted code.

Cookies generally make it easier and quicker for visitors to interact with the website. They also help visitors navigate between the different parts of the website. Cookies may also be used to make the content of a website or
advertising on that site more relevant to the visitor and to tailor the website to the visitor’s personal tastes and needs.

Use of cookies

We use different types of cookies:

1/ Essential cookies

These cookies are required to enable you to visit our websites and use certain parts of them. These cookies enable you, for example, to navigate between the different sections of the websites, complete forms, place orders and update the contents of your shopping basket (if the webshop is accessible). Similarly, when you wish to access your personal account, cookies are essential to verify your identity securely before granting access to your personal information. If you reject these cookies, some sections of the website may not function as they should, or not at all.

2/ Functional cookies

Functional cookies are cookies designed to facilitate the operation of our websites, to make their use more pleasant for the visitor and to give you a more personalised surfing experience. Examples include cookies that remember your choice of language or customer segment, or cookies that remember whether you have already been invited to take part in a survey, so that you are not offered the same survey each time you visit.

3/ Performance cookies

We use performance cookies to collect information about how visitors use our websites, with the aim of improving their content, tailoring them more closely to visitors’ wishes and making them more user-friendly. For example, we use a cookie to count the number of unique visitors and another to analyse the popularity of our pages.

Cookie management

In your browser settings, you can refuse the installation of cookies and you can delete any cookies already installed on your computer or mobile terminal at any time.
